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Necrolith Colossus (Bone Giant) - Tomb Kings Of Khemri

110,00 CHF
Délais variables suivant le fournisseur, 14 à 30 jours pour la majorité des produits
En réassort, délais à prévoir
  Paiement sécurisé

Visa - Mastercard - Twint - Amercian Express

  Livraison en Suisse uniquement

6.- CHF par commande. Gratuit dès 100.- CHF d’achat

  Garantie satisfaction

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The Necrosphinx is a bizarre and terrifying construct, an amalgamation of mythical beasts that stalk the Nehekharan underworlds. This plastic kit lets you add one of these horrors to your army, and drag your enemies screaming into death. If you prefer, you can build the kit as a Khemrian Warsphinx, a gigantic leonine construct with Tomb Guard riding upon its back. The kit also comes with a Tomb King, who can be mounted atop a Warsphinx or go to battle on foot.


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