Set de peinture Zombicide Black Plague Wulfsburg - Army Painter
29,95 CHF
Délais variables suivant le fournisseur, 14 à 30 jours pour la majorité des produits
This special Warpaints Zombicide Black Plague Paint Set is for the Zombicide Black Plague boxed game and the Wulfsburg expansion.
Visa - Mastercard - Twint - Amercian Express
6.- CHF par commande. Gratuit dès 100.- CHF d’achat
Retour produits dans les 7 jours
This stand-alone Warpaints set gives you the colours you need for painting zombies, ferocious wolves and grim survivors for your Zombicide Black Plague game.
Includes 10 special formulated Warpaints designed specifically for Zombicide: Black Plague & Wulfsburg - this set enables you to enhance your gaming experience by playing with painted miniatures!
The paint set also comes with a FREE brush to get you started.
Enhance your gaming experience by playing with painted miniatures!