Legions Imperialis : The Horus Heresy (ENG)

159,90 CHF
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Legions Imperialis zooms right out to portray some of the largest, fiercest battles to shake the Age of Darkness. It’s truly mind-boggling in scale, and a fantastic hobby project for avid painters looking to turn their skills to dozens of small yet incredibly detailed miniatures. This set contains a grand total of 223 miniatures divided across 61 individual models, and comes with dice, tokens, templates, and every Warhammer veteran’s favourite red measuring sticks. You’ll also get the full, unabridged rulebook for Legions Imperialis, containing the core rules, scenarios, unit profiles for Legiones Astartes and Solar Auxilia armies, extensive background information about the biggest battles of the Horus Heresy, and galleries of glorious miniatures.


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