The Battle For Beta-Garmon - The Horus Heresy

47,40 CHF
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The latest campaign supplement for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy drops as both a hardcover book and ePub, loaded with great content. This packed tome delivers a comprehensive history of the Loyalist counter-attack into the Garmon Cluster, plus complete rules for using Shattered Legions and Blackshields warbands, supplementing your Space Marines with Legiones Auxilia forces, and a complete campaign system for linking your battles together with ongoing effects upon the scenarios that are played. You’ll also find rules for new Solar Auxilia and Legiones Astartes units, including three varieties of Solar Auxilia Sentinels as well as the notable personalities of the Beta-Garmon – from Tybalt Marr to Shadrak Meduson.
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