Heavy Hitters Boosters/Display FR - Flesh and Blood

5,00 CHF
Livraison en 3-4 jours ouvrables

Display de 24 boosters Heavy Hitters en Français

En stock (14 Produits)
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6.- CHF par commande. Gratuit dès 100.- CHF d’achat

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Heavy Hitters brings the biggest, strongest, hardest hitting fun to Flesh and Blood gaming tables yet! Featuring six heroes across Brute, Guardian, and Warrior classes, crossover hybrid cards, and more weapons and equipment than any draftable set before, the number of options for how you bring your fight to the arena are huge!
Heavy Hitters is a standalone booster set featuring 255 cards and introducing the highly anticipated adult version of fan favorite hero Kassai to Classic Constructed!

255 card set (1 Fabled, 5 Legendary, 40 Majestic, 67 Rares, 128 Commons, 15 Tokens, 10 Marvels)
Designed for Booster Draft, Sealed Deck, and Constructed play.

14 Produits

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