Lolth's Drow - 11 Dice Set
22,90 CHF
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6.- CHF par commande. Gratuit dès 100.- CHF d’achat
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Retour produits dans les 7 jours
Packaging: Bottle
This 11 dice set includes a Limited Edition Ceramic Poker Chip as it's 12th Piece. Finished in our Original DND DICE Font ©2020. All Drow artwork created by DND DICE ©2023.
Note: This is a layered dice set. The base layer is a stunning glitter filled purple with a green Drow icon resting on top of it. There is a clear layer above for easy viewing. The clear layer is part of the design :)
Special Features:
- Exclusive Drow Artwork on High Numbers.
- Drow logo on the 20 face of one of the two D20's.
- 4 Unique D6's
- Green Spider Icon in each shape
- Exclusive DND DICE Font
12 Piece Set Includes:
- 1-D4 (19mm)
- 4-D6 (16mm)
- 1-D8 (16mm)
- 1-D10 (17mm)
- 1-D% (17mm)
- 1-D12 (18mm)
- 2-D20 (21mm)
- 1-Poker Chip (Ceramic)
Material: Resin