Liste des produits par marque Flesh and Blood

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Prix 17,90 CHF
Elevate your game experience with the FAB Classic Playmat. Set the tone for epic battles, with defined zones to equip your hero and the...
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FaB History Pack 1 (ENG) - Display (36 Boosters)

Prix 129,90 CHF
Venture into the vaults of Rathe and discover the origins of Flesh and Blood with History Pack 1. History Pack 1 contains many of the key...
Nombre : Booster Display
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Tales of Aria Unlimited - Flesh and Blood

Prix 5,00 CHF
The protectors of Isenloft awaken from their endless winter slumber. The wardens of Candlehold sharpen their thorns within the blossoming...
Nombre : Booster Display
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FaB Outsiders (FR) Blitz Deck

Prix 12,90 CHF
Deck Blitz (6 à choix) pour commencer ou se mettre à jour pour sur Flesh and Blood
Deck : Arakni Reflux Katsu Uzuri Azalée Benji

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