Ajouter au panier En stock (6 ) Eophores / Dawnbringers : L'Essor Du Roi Fou (FR) (V3, Ancien) Prix 49,90 CHF 8Le Mortarch of Delusion accueille le volet Ghyranite de la Croisade à New Summercourt, où le Sekhar, le Croc de Nulahmia, tisse une toile de...
Ajouter au panier En stock (4 ) Dawnbringers : The Mad King Rises (ENG) (v3, old) Prix 49,90 CHF The Mortarch of Delusion welcomes the Ghyranite prong of the Crusade into New Summercourt, where the Sekhar, the Fang of Nulahmia, is weaving a...
Ajouter au panier En stock (7 ) Tome De Bataille : Flesh-Eater Courts (FR) (v3, ancien) Prix 49,90 CHF Abreuvez-vous de l'illusion avec la sortie autonome de ce battletome, qui contient l'arrière-plan éclaboussé de sang des horreurs macabres qui...
Ajouter au panier Derniers articles en stock (1 ) Battletome : Flesh-Eater Courts (ENG) (V3, old) Prix 49,90 CHF Drink deep of the delusion with the standalone release of this battletome, which contains the blood-splattered background for the ghoulish horrors...
Ajouter au panier En stock (9 ) Decapiteur Royal / Royal Decapitator - Flesh-Eater Courts Prix 31,40 CHF The Royal Decapitators of the Carrion Court have one job, and they do it exceedingly well. Though pock-marked and rusted, their axes are more than...
Ajouter au panier En stock (3 ) Juge Supreme Gormayne / Grand Justice Gormayne - Flesh-Eater Courts Prix 33,90 CHF What use is a royal court without a paragon of sound mind to pass judgement upon those who transgress against the will of the Summerking? Grand...
Ajouter au panier En stock (7 ) Ushoran Mortarque Du Delirium / Ushoran Mortarch of Delusion - Flesh-Eater Courts Prix 92,90 CHF Going by many names – the Sombre Paladin, the Lord of Masques, the Summerking – Ushoran is the powerful epicentre of the Flesh-eater delusion. A...
Ajouter au panier En stock (5 ) Cardinal Abhorrant / Abhorrant Cardinal - Flesh-Eater Courts Prix 32,40 CHF Blessed with arcane power after sipping from the Carrion King’s chalice, Abhorrant Cardinals are zealous clerics that spread the word of Ushoran...
Ajouter au panier Derniers articles en stock (1 ) Prévôt Des Cryptes / Cryptguard - Flesh-Eater Courts Prix 40,90 CHF Cryptguards are the sworn bodyguards of the abhorrants, armed with the finest weapons from their armouries. In their minds, these are masterworks...
Ajouter au panier En réassort, délais à prévoir (0 ) Chevaliers De Morbheg / Morbheg Knights - Flesh-Eater Courts Prix 47,40 CHF Morbheg Knights are a chivalric order whose shields and flags bear offal-strewn simulacra of traditional heraldry. Devoted to their abhorrant...
Exclusivité web ! Ajouter au panier En réassort, délais à prévoir (0 ) MARROWSCROLL HERALD Prix 38,55 CHF Blessed with arcane power after sipping from the Carrion King’s chalice, Abhorrant Cardinals are zealous clerics that spread the word of Ushoran...
Ajouter au panier En stock (2 ) Fer De Lance / Spearhead : Flesh-eater Courts Prix 114,90 CHF The Flesh-eater Courts suffer under a supernatural delusion, which leads them to believe they are members of a noble kingdom and not the...